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Height: 10-12 inches

Weight: 5-9 lbs.

Life Span: 14-15 yrs.

Breed Group: Companion Dogs

The Bolognese is a gentle, sensitive, affectionate dog that is ideal for the city or suburbs, the young or elderly.

Eager to please and a quick study, it does very well in obedience classes. The Bolognese enjoys playing with gentle children and gets along well with other animals.

The long, cottony coat falls in tufts without lying flat against the body, giving a slightly clumpier appearance than the bichon frise. The tufts cover the entire head, body, tail, and limbs.

Coat color is white.

Grooming & Exercise Needs
The Bolognese requires daily brushing to avoid an unkempt, matted appearance. It also needs a few long walks and some playtime daily.

The Bolognese traces its ancestry back to the 13th century. It was a favorite of the wealthy and elite of Renaissance Italy.

Special Alerts
The Bolognese does not take well to being left alone for long periods of time, and so is not suitable for households that spend the entire workday outside of the home.


Reference: AKC - American Kennel Club


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